Diatone Crusader 165 X Racer

Well the engineers at Diatone have done it again! They have built from the experience with the Tyrants to come up with the Crusader series of X frames!
These come in 4 sizes all built, 135, 165,190, and 225. They all include Naze32 Rev6 Thin flight controller, 40 Channel 200 mW video transmitter and 800 TVL camera. They assemble very quick as well. Each kit also includes a LED bar!
Here is what we know:
20A Little Bee ESC with BL Heli 14.6
800 TVL Camera
2204 Motors
4" Props
More info: http://www.banggood.com/es/Diatone-Crusader-165-X-Racer-Frame-With-200mW-40CH-Naze32-Rev6b-ARF-Version-p-1064053.html

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